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Learning is a complex phenomenon. A child faces difficulties in learning. Child faces mental stress and several identified and unidentified challenges. Holistic development of a child depends upon the hard work of student, parent and teacher. These three stake holders integrated effort give the best learning outcomes.
Parent teacher meeting covers the distance among three stakeholders. PTM opens a communication channel. Everyone is highly busy in his own task, profession and business. Teacher teachers a big number of students in different classes. Teacher is completing several tasks other than classroom teaching for maintaining piousness of an educational institution. Student is busy with reading, writing, completing class work and homework. Parent is busy with his profession for earning bread and butter for family.
Parent is a partner. Active participation of a parent brings massive change in kid’s academic performance. His nature of nurturing brings natural and holistic changes in kid’s personality. It is necessary to share responsibility and accountability with parent for the holistic development of a child. Parent is directly responsible for child progress at home and in the school. In fact, it is necessary to develop a strong bridge between parent and educator. Wise parents never leave space for developing negative outcomes. Each and every moment and movement of child determines her/his future.
Parent teacher meeting is an opportunity to exchange observation of a child with each other. Sharing daily experience and observation provide a wider prospect for parent and teacher to plan, prepare and execute planning for better learning outcome of a child. We discuss and share overall personality of a child with the teacher i.e., his/her behavior, manner, habit, attitude, learning styles, relation to self and society etc. PTM is a junction to meet the needs of child.
Global College of Management conducted the parents /guardians meeting of the year 2078 with the motto of informing the parents about their children’s academic plans and how the college will assist them for building a solid foundation for the coming future. The event was a great success where parents interacted with the teachers and kept their queries in front of the teachers. The teachers were also equal to their task and provided clear answers to those queries. So, in summary the parents/guardians meeting of 2078 was a huge success.