

You're an alumnus for life.

When you graduate from the Global College you automatically become part of our dynamic, inspiring, and talented alumni community. As an alumnus, you can access the range of benefits and services that the GC alumni office provides, including lifelong learning, personal and professional development, events, and volunteer opportunities.

Find out how you can become more involved with the Global College, see our upcoming events, or learn more about our Alumni community. Don't forget to also keep your details up to date so we can contact you, and check out our blog for great alumni stories and learning opportunities.


The Global College alumni community is made up of more than 8600 graduates from the Global College. Our alumni live in more than 38 countries worldwide.

Our alumni have gone on to do amazing things since graduating, becoming leaders, innovators, influencers, creators, and high achievers in their fields. From Bank Managers, CEO in different companies, Finance Directors and to big (and small) business, to not-for-profits, to community services, to laboratories, to government departments – if you can think of it, a GC alumnus has done it.

We encourage alumni to stay connected with GC to enable them to stay in touch with fellow graduates and access the great benefits that we offer. Over the years as your career changes and you move cities we may have lost contact with you; you can update your details online at any time.

We're incredibly proud of our alumni community and we hope to continue growing the GC alumni progam to offer ongoing, meaningful ways for alumni to be actively involved in the life and growth of the Global College.

For more information contact Bhim Chandra Gautam or email 

To update click here!


Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.

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