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College Support for ECA

Both the Global College and Global School various facilities related to many of the extracurricular activities.

At Global College, there are about 70 official extracurricular activity groups and 8 groups registered with the Student Support Services Center in a wide range of areas including arts, sports and culture. The groups range from those with a long tradition at the College to those more connected with contemporary culture, and all are run by the students themselves. The College supports these activities within the scope of nurturing individuals with the spirit of autonomy and self-reliance. 

Extracurricular Activities (ECA)

You can find up to date on what’s happening on campus outside the classroom,
featuring a wide range of activities of student clubs and circles, such as recent results and upcoming games of sports groups, event schedules of music groups and research presentations of academic groups. Students can also find information on extracurricular programs organized by the Student and College Management. 

Being a student is one of the most important and memorable experiences of a person’s life. In addition to academic pursuits, extracurricular activities make up a valuable part of the overall university experience. Students can develop their social and interpersonal skills by getting involved in running organizations. This will help to improve their teamwork skills, and ability to build meaningful relationship with friends and peers, as well as with junior and senior students. Responsibility, good judgment and endurance can also be developed during such activities.  

Public Speaking Competition


Singing Competition

Not everyone can be a winner. The statistics of the most rigorous music competitions show this all too clearly. No matter if you win or lose, you will learn that it is best to be yourself, not trying to impress anyone. 

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Art Competition

Art Competitions provide opportunities on several levels. Today’s world, whether it’s in the classroom or the workforce, is extremely competitive.  Art competitions and contests which help attendees prepare for “life after art” too.

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Poem Competition

Do you send poems off to competitions? If not, why not? OK we all know it’s ‘a lottery’. Nevertheless most of us would admit it’s exciting to actually win something. Or is it?

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Field Visit

Going on field trips offers students a unique cultural learning experience. It allows students to be involved in new environments, key to encouraging curiosity about a given subject. 

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Picnics are a great stress buster as it helps reduce the stress and anxiety related to work and home. 

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Quiz Competition

To reinvent the education system and give students a break from traditional classroom learning, there is a dire need to revive the quiz culture in schools and colleges. 

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Achievements also provide tangible evidence that colleagues, competitors and the wider world use to judge a person as more or less successful.

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Newspaper Making Competition

Newspaper making

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