
Today’s job market is highly competitive with hundreds of people applying for a single position in most of the cases.

If you go through the job advertisement you will find in most of the recruitment advertisements, it includes ‘with experience in….”. Companies in Nepal and other parts of world prefer graduates having some sort of practical accounting training or exposure.


One of the best ways to stand out from the crowd and show you have proper dedication in accounting field is to gain practical accounting training.

In colleges and Universities, you read different theories and concept of accounting which helps to increase the theoretical knowledge. All the examples and cases completed are developed in a perfect scenario and you are just required to give correct answers of the questions.

But when you go to the real working environment and get exposed to real life scenario the situation is completely different. The theoretical knowledge alone is not enough for you to become a successful accountant.

Let’s take an example of how one learns to swim. Just by reading books on how to swim does not make you able to swim. You need to get proper advice from the expert, and you should actually dive into the water to learn swimming. Similarly, in accounting field both theoretical and practical knowledge should go hand in hand.

If you have Practical Accounting Training from accounting professionals along with your university degree, you are already one step ahead of others. There are various benefits of taking practical accounting training including:

1.  Increases Employment Opportunities

2. Build a Stronger Resume

3.  Enhance analytical skills

4. Better Understanding of theoretical knowledge

5. Provides clarity to career option

6. Hands-on knowledge on popular accounting software

What if you do not have the Accounting training?

After the discussion of importance of accounting training, now the question may arise what if you do not have accounting training?

  • You may be good in academics but due to lack of Accounting training you may not be able to relate theoretical knowledge in practical scenario;
  • It reduces the chance of getting good accounting jobs;
  • Without accounting training, even if you get job you may find it difficult to understand and perform your task which may impact your job performance.


Practical Accounting Training helps students gain information and exposure to real life scenario. It increases your chance of getting accounting internship and jobs.


Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.

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